Street Fighter is a Japanese media franchise centered on a series of fighting games developed and published by Capcom. The first game in the series was released in 1987, followed by six other main series games, various spin-offs and crossovers, and numerous appearances in other media. It is A fighting game is a genre of video game that involves combat between two or more characters. Fighting game combat often features mechanics such as blocking, grappling, counter-attacking, and chaining attacks together into combos. Announced in February 2022, it is the seventh main entry in the Street Fighter franchise, and was released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows and Xbox Series X/S on June 2, 2023, while an arcade version, named Street Fighter 6 type arcade, will be published by Taito later in the year. Ryu is a fictional character and the protagonist of Capcom's Street Fighter series. Having premiered in the first Street Fighter in 1987, Ryu appears as the game's lead character alongside his best friend and friendly rival Ken Masters.